The Freedom Shop Collective

The Freedom Shop is a collectively-run, non-profit shop and distro based in Te Whanagui-A-Tara/Wellington that produces and sells books, pamphlets, zines, t-shirts, badges, patches, stickers and stuff.

At a time when the political outlook is bleak, ideas can keep us optimistic (we find this works some of the the time). We stock material on anarchism, colonisation, gender issues, anti-racism, prisons, punk, history and international struggles.

As an anarchist group, we fight for a world where resources and economic systems are held collectively and democratically, organised by autonomous communities which work together according to the traditional human principles of mutual aid, care and respect for individuals. We also write blurbs for zinefest while small children put stickers on our faces and try to steal the badges off our caps.

The collective began 27 years ago and will stick around until capitalism, patriarchy, and all the other shit, is replaced with something much nicer. Which will hopefully be quite soon as we are all getting pretty fed up.



