Ruby May

“Following up from my experience doing zinefest 2020, I wanted to do something different to my first one. I felt like the first zine I made revolved around a dispelling of negative feelings from the past, and turning them into poetry, and not really making a lot of sense (open to readers interpretation). It had a sickly feeling, although I wanted to make this one different. I like to use zines to remind myself of the abundance around us in an intimate environment. How they can mirror everyday objects, passing thoughts, words or sayings and be turned into something fun for the reader. Also it generally helps to lighten any heavy thoughts, and add a comical vibe to them so they can change into something else, become a different thought or feeling for the maker. I’ve always been into making little books. My old babysitter told me I liked to at school, and at home. I love how they can be handled and passed around, and the flexibility of what you might find on the next page. This volume in particular is more comical, and font based and personal drawings based.”


Rob Art
