Auckland Feminist Action and Auckland Peace Action

Saturday 5 August

Auckland Peace Action is an activist grouping which does grassroots education, organising and campaigning. We believe that without justice there is no peace. We are for social justice, against war, militarism, & oppression. We hold an emphasis on decolonisation and Indigenous solidarity/empowerment, international solidarity with oppressed peoples, anti-capitalism, climate justice, against patriarchal culture of violence and patriarchal ideologies of gender and gender roles, anti-fascism, anti-authoritarian, anti-Islamophobia, solidarity with West Papua, Palestine, and Western Sahara. We have ongoing campaigns and collabortaions including for Ukrainian and Russian resistance to Putin, Solidarity with Uyghurs and ethnic minorities suffering genocide in Uyghur Autonomous Xinjaing Region of China, and Keep Space for Peace campaign against Rocket Lab's launches of U.S. military and spy satellittes from Māori land on Māhia Peninusla.
