The Freedom Shop
Established in 1995, the Freedom Shop is a not-for-profit anarchist bookshop and infoshop in Te Whanganui-a-Tara.
Our aim is to spread radical information and support DIY anarchist culture. The shop is run by a collective of volunteers who are dedicated to non-hierarchical consensus-based decision-making.
We design, print and sell political pamphlets, sometimes write them, make badges, screen print t-shirts and patches, and retail and import political books. Sometimes we hold discussions, workshops and film screenings. Sometimes this makes us happy, sometimes we just feel fed up. We'll give it all up as soon as the world isn't run by a mix of power-mad control freaks dedicated to stealing people’s land, destroying their culture and extorting the products of their labour, and supposedly nice people who are nevertheless prepared to look the other way as this goes on.
We are fighting for a world free of oppression and coercion. We believe in acting in a manner consistent with our ideals. Therefore, the collective and the shop must be free of domination and discrimination, including (but not limited to) racism, sexism, homophobia, physical violence and harassment of any kind.
Facebook: @TheFreedomShop