Recycled Whispers


Tēnā Koutou!

We’ve grown in the past year from our small team of five to an extended group of many talented, artistic, and inspiring individuals - a bulb that creative moths have flocked to, endeavoring to nurture a safe space in our school to listen to music, share kai and ideas, collage, write, and draw. Together, we’re cultivating the vibrant, imaginative, and collaborative space we wish to see in our school, and that we hope will only strengthen overtime.

From the bottom of our hearts and the worn down glue sticks, scissors, and magazines we wield, we would like to thank everyone whose contributions and work has helped bring this zine to life, and as always Mr DJ for the endless enthusiasm and support!

Last but not least, thank you for opening these pages and taking a glimpse into our chaos. Every artist, author, collager, and creative mind that put a fragment of themself into this zine hopes the final product will nourish and invigorate the reader, and maybe inspire you to make a zine of your own (there are no rules!).

Instagram: @recycledwhispers