Dear Em


Dear Em is a group of diverse, young, intersectional feminists who drive everything we do to be by youth, for youth. Our ultimate goal is to create an Aotearoa based on consent-promoting, healthy relationships, where all people can live free from sexual violence. We work toward this goal through connecting with our community, and building a collective movement where everyone can feel a sense of belonging and hold power to create positive change. This takes shape through creative projects, advocacy, community events, social media, and whatever other channels young people are telling us are important to them.

Our team is incredibly excited to be involved in this year's Zinefest, bringing our kaupapa to you through new and exciting zines. The inclusive, creative, and diverse culture of Zinefest connects so deeply to our mahi, and we feel privileged to be a part of this space. Our hope is to connect with this beautiful community and share a range of meaningful content presented in an accessible, educational, and empowering way.

In the name Dear Em, “Em” is a reflection of “me”, meaning we hope that everyone can see a part of themselves reflected in what we share.
