Amanda H


Being a part of Zinefest 2023 for the first time was a wonderful experience. I enjoyed connecting with fellow Zinemakers and the people who stopped by my Zine stall.

I continue learning how to draw (especially as I keep forgetting), to create zines and other projects while putting my second book together, which is a creative chronic pain support workbook. I plan to publish the workbook by the end of December 2024. I am super excited about completing the project.

While creating zines, mini card packs and posters this year, my focus is on fun, playful, nurturing, loving, caring energies and overall wellbeing support. I know life can be a struggle, which is why I bring a sense of compassion into my work. Everyone deserves their needs to be met and to feel heard, understood and cared about while being uplifted.

May you always know how valuable you are.

Warm hugs to all,