
“I'm Zoey Zhou, a zine producer and a digital illustrator. My practice work includes two parts: one part is about exploring the generational culture, especially to talk about our childhood life in the past in some topics. The storytelling in visual narrative combines with multi-materials, such as drawing on paper, cutting & paste collages skills, scanning photos, and using a typewriter. I weaved my memories, historical documents, and pictures into multiple storylines to unfold the nostalgia narrative. The purpose of my zine narrative is to trigger my audience to look for warm nostalgic moments within the past childhood memory.
The other part work is about exploring and collecting the city horror stories. Then, I develop all stories' text into cover illustrations to reflect the sensory stimulation to my readers brought by horror elements. The purpose is to attract the audience's attention through those thrilling scenes and exaggerated characters and to make them imagine the stories conveyed in the illustrations for a long time.”