Stella Lee

โ€œKia Ora! My name is Stella Lee and I am the creator of a small online arts and craft shop called! ๐ŸŒธ

Crocheting, painting and digital art are my main passions, but I have a lot of mini side hobbies and zine-making is one them! I have an addiction to cute things, so my style is light hearted and cute! ๐Ÿ˜Š

My collection of zines Iโ€™ve made so far for this years zine festival are filled with illustrated stories that focus on mental health which is a problem that many of my loved ones face, including myself. I hope my zines comfort my readers and make them feel less alone.

At my stall i will be selling mini zines as well as a few of my crochet items from my shop such as: sunflower bouquets with faces, hats with ears and other cute things! Looking forward to meeting everyone there! ๐Ÿ˜†โ€


Sophie Procter

